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heart chakra oil

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Anahata serves as our vibrant energy hub, radiating love, joy, happiness, and compassion. It is also the gateway to experiencing sorrow, sadness, anger, and desire - emotions linked to the lower heart chakra. Understanding and embracing these feelings is crucial for our personal growth, guiding us towards the Higher Heart where Pure, Unconditional Love resides.

Affirmation:: Love is the universal solution. I am an eternal being brimming with Divine Love, freely giving and graciously receiving love from others.

A harmonized Heart Chakra: you will cultivate profound empathy for all beings and appreciate their remarkable wisdom. You will embody kindness, empathy, understanding, and exuberance, feeling completely comfortable with yourself and those around you. You will empathize with others and embrace them without judgment or criticism. Enjoying solitude will be a peaceful choice, and you won't rush into relationships; instead, you'll patiently await the perfect connection, knowing it will arrive at the right moment.

Anoint in sensual notes of nutty myrrh, sweet mandarin, powdery rose resin and all while knowing your ayurvedic anointing oil is all natural and handmade.

Can be used as a body oil, on ends of hair, and/or anointing 

Excellent for journals, candles, and etc

Organic Ingredients of: rice brand oil, grape seed oil, apricot oil infused with

Swaahaa's Heart Chakra fragrance.


    heart chakra oil
    heart chakra oil
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